Completion of ERP Sapiens from Leite Maranguape

In the land of Chico Anísio, the Cooperativa Agrícola Mista de Maranguape has been active since 1964. In 2006, it started using ERP Sapiens from Sênior Sistemas in Blumenau, Casa Villar participated in the selection and followed the painful implementation.

Since then, the adjustments made have included building several satellite systems integrated with the ERP via the SID interface, some of them replacing Sapiens own modules.

One example is the cost and production system, SCI, which replaced two original Sapiens modules.

Although the functionalities provided by ERP in these modules are numerous and work in companies with more complex production lines and costs, a simpler tailored solution was chosen.

Workshop management, customer service, and management reporting systems via Reporting Services were also implemented.

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